Step 1


Commence CPR while waiting for other people to bring the AED.
One person focus on doing CPR while other person turns on the AED and follows its instructions.
When using AED, the victim should be on dry, firm surface. And the AED pads should be put on the victim’s dry, bare chest.

Step 2


Turn on the AED Apply the electrode pads. Remember to remove the protective pads first.
Place the electrode pads on the victim’s dry, bare chest according to the diagram on the pads. Make sure that the heart is between the electrode pads when the current passes through.

Step 3


The AED will analyze the heart rhythm to determine whether it is a shockable or unshockable rhythm.
If a shockable rhythm is detected, the AED will then charge itselfand instruct the user to press the button.
When the shock is about to be delivered, no one touch the victim.

Step 4


After the shock has been delivered, it’s safe to touch the victim.
The first-aider resume CPR and follow the AED voice instructions.

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